Save The Med Foundation

Mallorca, Spain
Save The Med Foundation’s mission is to protect and regenerate the Mediterranean Sea, which has greatly suffered from human impact, in particular overfishing and pollution. Their team conducts marine research and innovative educational projects to inspire local communities to take action to protect the environment that surrounds them.
The project: The grant supports the establishment and management of a new marine protected area (MPA) in the Tramuntana region of Mallorca, with a new methodology based on the recommendations of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. The methodology will further be developed as a framework for the establishment of future MPAs in the region and beyond.
Our activation: A small group of team members visited Mallorca to learn more about the MPA. While there, we attended their Changemakers event for young environmental activists around the Balearic Islands, and took part in a dive trip to see the marine ecosystem first hand.